Sunday, August 22, 2010

Hello scrappers,

We have been very busy these past couple of weeks working on the site, adding product and preparing for the upcoming Open House (see Facebook group page for info), and planning topics for the blog. The first topic that will discussed in the blog will be the Cricut Gypsy, followed by the Cricut Expression. We are very fond of the Cricut products and have discovered through the group page feedback that there are others who wish to learn about them also. We thank everyone for their input. The first real blog will be up sometime this week so stay tuned. Happy scrapping!

Monday, August 16, 2010

Hello everyone,
I am still adding product to the site and appears to have no end in site. I have been busy workng on advertising and preparing for the upcoming Loonie4scrapbooking Open House on August 29th so if anyone has taken a peek here they will noticed the blog has been neglected. If you are checking out the blog I also urge you to visit the Facebook group page also. I would love to see people getting a discussion started. For now I am focussed on the Open House prep but will return to the blog shortly. In the meantime I hope everyone is getting ready to register for the Scrapfest coming up in October...remember registration begins September 1, 2010. I am going, are you? Well thats it for now, Happy scrapping!@

Friday, August 6, 2010

Loonscrapper's Blog: Welcome to the Loonscrapper's Blog

Loonscrapper's Blog: Welcome to the Loonscrapper's Blog: "Hello fellow scrappers and welcome to the Loonscrapper's Blog. This blog will be used to discuss, educate and share issues and ideas surroun..."